District Krupina → Krupina

Krupina Industrial Park

Last update: 15.06.2020

Total Area:76,8 ha, z toho 22 ha má existujúci PP
zelený park,
Owner of land:Town of Krupina


Electric power capacity:

Water mains: DN-100

connection gas pipeline: PE 100, 0,3 MPa, STL.

Sewage system: Currently not developed; construction of on-site waste water treatment plant planned.


Town of Krupina is situated along Class I road I/66, which part of the international Baltics – Balkans line. The Industrial zone can be accessed by turning from this road; on-site roads are bi-directional, with pavement 7 m wide.


The town lies on the Zvolen – Šahy railway which is currently used solely for cargo transport.



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