District Levice → Levice

Levice Industrial Park

Last update: 15.06.2020

Total Area:95,70 ha (I., II. a III. etapa) - zelený park,
Owner of land:Town of Levice (1st and 2nd stages) and privat owners (III. stage)


Electric power capacity: HV 22 kV; transformer station with back-up aggregate

Water mains: PVC DN 80 – 200, with a capacity of 10 litres/s is part of public water mains. Supply of service water ensured in the IZ.

Gas pipeline: High Pressure line, ending in distribution Station, 0.4 MPa Medium Pressure distribution lines throughout the site,

Waste water sewage: DN 300, routing covers the entire site; connected to Levice waste water treatment plant

Storm water  drain: gravitation system, DN 300 – 800, water re-pumped into the Podlužanka creek

 There is Free capacity: 30% of water supply, el. Energy - Unlimited, sanitary and storm sewer 30%, STL gas - 50%.

IP protected with flood bank


1,400 m of intra-site roads with concrete//asphalt pavement, including sidewalks and public lighting, with connection road I/51 to Vráble and Nitra, road I/76 to Želiezovce and Štúrovo, and II/564 to Hungary (highway feeder No. 10)



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* data shown for convenience only; you can request concrete information by contacting us on mhinvest2@mhinvest2.sk

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