District Spišská Nová Ves → Spišská Nová Ves

Spišská Nová Ves – PODSKALA Industrial Park

Last update: 15.06.2020

Total Area:6,78 ha - zelený park,
Owner of land:town of Spišská Nová Ves


Electric power capacity: Transformer station with a power of 100 kVA.

Water mains: DN 160; capacity: 99,827.5 m3/year

Waste water sewage – DN600 – 100,000 m3/year

Gas pipeline: MP SH 110 1,300m3/hour

Strom water drainage: max flow rate: DN600 360 litres/s


Class I road: 10 km away; Class II road: 2 km


the site includes factory rail siding



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* data shown for convenience only; you can request concrete information by contacting us on mhinvest2@mhinvest2.sk

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